Tuesday, November 25, 2008

assignment # 2

1.  What book or magazine did you read?  What pages did you read?  What is the title of the story, quiz, article etc?  What page numbers did you read? The book i read was the virgin sex. The pages i read were 73,33,130.
2.  What did you predict your book would be about?  Were you correct in your prediction?Explain. 
I predict that my book would be about sexual experiences,virgin girl,girls making tough decision. My predictions were correct because the book showed that one decision can change your life forever.
3.  What interesting information did you learn that you want to share with other people?  Write about what you learned in your own words.  Its a myth that all teenagers want to have sex.Many girls do not want to have sex because of religious and morals reason,fear of pregnancy and stds. The major reason teenagers wont have sex is because of moral beliefs.
4.  Why do you think it is important? I think it's important because there are so many girls that do not know wether to chose to have sex or not. Even though the media and people are talking a lot of sex do not mean that everyone is having sex. Many girls are not ready to have sex with their partners because they have the fear of the person leaving them once they get what they want.In some cases it does happened like that when the guy tells you all these lies such as "i love you" or "just get it over with . Many sexually active teenager girls do not ever expect that they will get pregnant, even when they aren't using birth control . When  girls do not think they can get pregnant its called"DENIAL":not facing the truth or reality. When both partners are sexually active they most consider what to do when an unexpected pregnancy comes along .
5.   What questions do you have about what you learned?When do you know when it is the right time?,how does your body feels once you have given it up?,Will your partner stick with you once both have sexual intercourse?, Does he love me?,Is he gonna be the one ?. 
6.  What other topics are you interested in learning about?Birth control,Safer sex,Std, Pregnancy pills .


shauntell charley said...

Hey Stephanie I think blog is very informative and good for both virgin and non-virgin female. Hopefully your blog with help fellow females make the right decisions when it comes to sex and taking care of themselves

jennifer fermin said...

hey Stephany i think the book you read is very important letting other teenage girls know how to handle with different situations.

wellnessworksbest said...

Good sharing of information Stephanie. It is important for girls to know that not everyone is having sex, and they should do what feels right for them. Sometimes if you listen to teenagers talk and watch the media, you think that everyone is having sex. Nicole